Monthly Chamber Recognition Breakfast: This business breakfast is held the second Thursday of each month, generally at the Eustis Community Center for a small cost of $8 with reservation made by Wednesday prior at noon. $10 thereafter and at the door. New members and their businesses are introduced, chamber news and information are given, guest speakers present timely business topics; RSVP required. New members are entitled to one free breakfast Newsletter: You will receive our monthly newsletter, The Chamber Connection, and are entitled to place your business advertisment in it. Additional ads may be placed in the newsletter for a fee. Leads Group: The Ultimate Connection Leads Group meets for lunch each Tuesday at Crazy Gators on North Bay Street. Members to get to know each other and their businesses. By helping each other, everyone benefits! Flyer Mailing: You are entitled to have your flyer inserted in the monthly newsletter. New members are entitled to one free flyer mailing; thereafter there is a minimal fee. Membership Mailing Labels (approx. 400): Cost is $32.10 (tax included), labels are not available to non-members. Membership lists are also available and can be provided on disk. Membership Decals: Provided to you for display in your business, shop, or home - issued with receipt of dues and updated annually upon renewal. Eustis Brochure & Membership Directory: This popular pamphlet lists your business, as a Chamber member, and is distributed to all Chamber visitors and inquirers(near and far), all Lake County Chambers, and to total membership. Internet Exposure: Our members are listed on our web page at eustischamber.org in directory format. Free direct web links are available to our members. Vote: Membership entitles you to vote for the leadership of the Chamber and other pertinent issues. Referrals: Member businesses are referred to inquirers over non-members. The Chamber and its members make an effort to patronize Chamber member businesses. Contacts: Meet other Chamber members, exchange ideas and make important new contacts. Gain new business prospects through the Inquiry List which is available only to members. Business-After-Hours: An opportunity to attend or host an informal business open house. This early evening gathering provides a time to socialize with your fellow members and potential members, as well as spotlight your business. Research & Community Profile: Valuable business, legislative, professional and civic data available to you as a member of the Chamber. Opportunity: Opportunity to participate in setting the tone for economic growth in your community through commercial, industrial, and tourism endeavors. Opportunity to serve with other volunteers on action committees involving business development, industrial growth, community betterment, education, and activities such as the annual Washington's Birthday Festival or Auction.
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